Couples Posing Workshops

Back when I was working a full time teaching job and dreaming of becoming a wedding photographer I had no idea of where to start. I couldn't start shooting weddings because I had no experience in the wedding industry and my portfolio was non existent. It was a struggle! But eventually I came across a 'wedding portfolio building day' where me and group of other fresh faced photographers shot alongside a wedding photographer. There were a few models in wedding dresses and suits and by the end of it I actually had a decently sized collection of wedding images. I was then able to build a website, post on social media and start my wedding photography adventure! It's basically one of the things that let me give up the day job and become a full time professional wedding photographer.

Fast forward to now, having lived through those hardships, I want to help other photographers start their own wedding photography journeys! It's for those that are brand new to wedding photography or those that are looking to build up their portfolio.

Wedding photography workshop

So, I'm running my own couples posing workshop that will help kick start your portfolio or help build upon your already existing one. It will be focused on how to create natural candid moments with your couples using some soft prompts and directing. No awkward or cringey posing! I like to think that my couples are paying me for an experience rather than a traditional photoshoot.

The workshop will be approximately 2 hours where we will do a shoot with a real life couple. You will get the opportunity to shoot alongside me and then either on your own or in pairs depending on the group size (max 8 people). After the session I will send you my PDF posing guide, one of the presets I use to edit my photos and any behind the scenes content I get of you shooting.

Posing workshop Dates:

To be confirmed!

Wedding photography workshop
Wedding photography workshop
Wedding photography workshop
Wedding photography workshop
Wedding photography workshop


What equipment should I bring?

For couples sessions I usually shoot on two cameras. One with a 35mm and the other with an 85mm. But there is no right or wrong answer to this.

No flash needed as it will be all natural light. If you only have one camera that is perfectly fine, you can use your legs to zoom!

What if it rains?

Rain or snow the session will still go ahead! Just bring a brolly and some wellies and you'll be fine!

Will the couple be in wedding attire?

Unfortunately not. These sessions are focused on learning how to pose and direct your couple in a fun relaxed way. (Hiring wedding attire is expensive and I want to keep these sessions as affordable as possible!) But all of the 'poses' can be used on the wedding day!

Can I use these images for social media or on my website?

Yes of course! In fact I would 100% recommend it.

Are the couple professional models?

I will always aim to hire non models but sometimes due availability they may have modelling experience. However they will always be a real life couple!

What if I'm late to the session?

We will start without you! Treat this as a real paying client. Get to the location 10-15 minutes early.

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